Welcome to EDCCA
Our aim is for Easingwold and District to be a true Community where all residents have a good quality of life, a sense of wellbeing and belonging, where needs are met, and everyone feels part of a caring and supportive environment.
We deliver our vision by providing and co-ordinating support for people in our community to enable them to live independent lives. By working in partnership with other organisations and our network of volunteers we identify people’s needs and meet them through a diverse range of services.
Where we cannot meet this need, we provide information, advice and signpost other agencies and services.
Our Main activities are:
A Community Car Scheme
Minibus trips
Meals on Wheels
A Carers Sitting Service
A Befriending Service – in person and via the telephone
Prescription collection and delivery
Shopping collection and delivery
Food Bank and Food Share
Hub Club for people living with Dementia – runs Tuesdays and Fridays
Charity Boutique – 71 Long Street, Easingwold
Men in Sheds Project at Easingwold Football Club
Poppets – group for toddlers and parents
Tea and Tarts – monthly in the Galtres Centre
Staying Healthy, Independent and Connected project
For further information on any of the above services please contact us on 01347 822875 or email info@edcca.org.uk
In addition to these key services, EDCCA co-ordinates ad hoc peer support groups such as Knit and Natter and a Crossword Club and run regular social get-togethers with our Tea and Tarts events.
Citizens Advice in Easingwold
Thursday 13th February, which will be the last day the Advisor will be with us as the funding for this has ended.
Drop-in sessions held 9.30am – 11.30am
Our Adviser will be providing information and advice on various issues including Benefits, Universal Credit, Housing, Debt, Employment and Energy.
The CA minibus will be in the front car park of the Galtres Centre on:
19th February, 19th March, 16th April, 30th May, 18th June, 16th July
Easingwold Foodbank
EDCCA runs the Easingwold Food Bank. No-one need go hungry and we are here to help. All contacts are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Please contact us via email: info@edcca.org.uk or ring us 01347 822875 or leave a message on 0772 4444 750 and we will help you.

Here to help
We produce consumer education resources on a range of consumer issues. The materials are free to download. The activities are designed for advisers/ educators/ group leaders to use to raise awareness of consumer rights and responsibilities and for learners to develop the skills and confidence to deal with consumer issues.
We raise funds to support all our services to help people in the community.
Please visit our justgiving page at: https://www.justgiving.com/edcca to see how you can help.
As a registered charity EDCCA works hard to support people in need and improve their quality of life in Easingwold and District.
We know that there are many people who because of their age or for health reasons rely on the services that we provide such as using the community car scheme to attend a medical appointment or being visited by a friendly volunteer through our Befriending Scheme.
We have much to be proud of and we thank you for your continued support.
Easingwold District Community Care Association needs your help!
Join easyfundraising and you can collect free donations for us every time you shop online. It won’t cost you a penny extra. Show your support here http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/easingwooddistrictcommcare and help make a real difference.
Here at Easingwold District Community Care Association we take our internet security very seriously.
Which is why we have partnered with ESET, an award winning global security company, to protect our charity from cyber-crime and threats to the security of information.
Our partnership with ESET means that you can now get access to the same high level of safety at home, at a fantastic discount, whilst helping the organisation stay safe.
Use Promo Code EDCCA
In Social partnership with Easingwold Advertiser https://www.easingwoldadvertiser.com/