Events – Latest News

North Yorkshire Care Services Directory – Your Guide to Adult Social Care and Support,

Looking for Care in the North Yorkshire Area?

Follow this link to the e-book version.

or contact EDCCA for a hard copy.

EDCCA Poppets

Wednesday Poppets at 10-11.30am in Easingwold Band Room is marking Father’s Day. All carers of pre school children are welcome. £2.

Move it or Lose it Instructors

Could this exciting opportunity be just for you?

In a nutshell, the training is delivered online by Move it or Lose it with a practical assessment at the end. The training is online and the assessment can be done face to face or online if necessary.

Once this is completed successfully, you would become part of the Move it or Lose it group with all the support that it offers. Their CEO is a lovely lady and very supportive of all the instructors.

In return for this free training we would require a certain number of hours delivered to either clients in their own homes (identified as between 5 and 7 on the Rockwood Scale) and/or classes over 2 months in the Easingwold area (not Huby). During this time and going forward you are free to set up and deliver your own classes and charge for them.

The CEO of Move it or Lose it has offered to host a Zoom meeting with any interested people.

Please contact for further information

2024 Tea and Tarts

Small Society Lottery 

Did you know we run a Small Society Lottery?– It’s a great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of a flutter! Here’s how it works…
You complete and sign a membership form and either complete a Standing Order mandate for an annual payment of £12 or pay £12 in cash or by cheque.
This buys you one membership number which we will allocate, and which enters you into the monthly draw. All participants must be over 16.
The draw will take place on 15th day of each month.
If you win, we will notify you and arrange to pay your winnings preferably by BACS or in cash.
The prize money will be 30% of the membership fee taken that month. The remaining 70% goes to EDCCA help fund our services and projects.
The lottery is run as a ‘Small Society Lottery’ and has been registered at North Yorkshire Council Registration Number 1142.
Any queries, please contact EDCCA on 01347 822875 or email